Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Theories of Political Behavior and Tight Job Market

Case incident -2 Question and Answer Q1. What factors in addition to those cited, do you believe lead to illegitimate political behavior such as backstabbing? Answer:- The factors that will lead to illegitimate political behavior such as backstabbing are:- * competition * A tight job market is often a contributing factor. * Blind ambition. * Interpersonal relationship * Promotion opportunities. * Expectation of success. Q2. Imagine that a colleague is engaging in illegitimate political behavior toward you.What step might you take to reduce or eliminate this behavior? Answer:-The steps I will take to reduce or eliminate illegitimate political behavior of a colleague ate:- * Keep watching or know the thing happening in the surrounding environment. * If I observe that illegitimate political behaviour of a colleague may harm to me. I will make it clear to superior or pear in order to prevent future misunderstanding is not good to you as well as the organisation. Ask to the colleague is t he any conflict of odd among us what is the reason behind this kind of behaviour in order to minimise the gap. * Make the environment fruitful to all colleagues and superior, subordinate and also that of the organisation. * Employees in the organisation need to be aware of illegitimate political behaviour. * Companies may need to adopt formal policies to safe guard the employees against such behaviour. Q3. Do you believe that it is ever justifiable to engage in illegitimate political behaviors such as backstabbing?If so, what are some conditions that might justify such behavior? Answer;- No, it is not ever justifiable to engage illegitimate political behavior such as backstabbing, some conditions that might justify such behavior are:- * To sage guard against backstabbing, a management consultant recommends telling supervisor and other key Personnel that the backstabber is not friend * It is cleat that employees in organisation need to be aware of illegitimate political behaviour. * Companies may need to adopt formal policies to safe guard employees against such ehaviour. * The behaviour such as backstabbing and spread negative rumours are difficult to defect. Thus both employees and managers should try to verify information to avoid the negative repercussions that can come from backstabbing and other illegitimate behaviour. Q4. In addition to the obvious negative effect of illegitimate political behavior on victims , such as these described in the above case , what might be some negative effects on the perpetrators? On the organization as a whole?Answer:-The negative effects on the perpetrators of the negative effect of illegitimate political behavior on victims are:- The working environment of the organization is unhealthy Always there is a situation of conflict or grievances This may lead to the decrease in the profitability of the organization. Employees are unsatisfied with the job They are generally not committed to job for the organization. Real hard wor king and productive and efficient employee were de-motivated and leave the organization.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mary kay reference sheet

The irony with the youth of today's generation is that even when they become romantically involved with a certain person or a certain project, they eave the abnormal ability to disengage from that entanglement in an instant. II. Preview Statement: The issue our society is suffering from mainline Ill. Preview Statement: In the modern society, one of the major social constrains to this particular issue has to do with liberty-I am going to discuss this ‘V.Preview Statement: [Environmental factors are also a constraint in the development of creating loving and decent adults. Body: [About 85% of speaking time. ] l. Our society is suffering from the condition of anomie, which is a situation in which society doles out very little ethical guidance to individuals, and allows a great amount of self-regulation. A. The recognition of should not go unnoticed. It is important we effectively educate our pupils to appreciate spiritual truth, spiritual fruits, beauty, and each other. 1 .Prevent ion measures should be taken against individuals from becoming underdeveloped and self-centered in their pursuits of selfish desires. 2. These slackers' concept of sex is all about lust and not love, marriage and babies. Our education must prevent individuals from becoming meaningless members who sole purpose is to consume with relentless voracity. . Proper values and education are vital, and students should also be surrounded by the right people as role models. B. Woodrow Wilson sums this up perfectly, â€Å"Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world. B. These days, our members of society view liberty as the privilege of not having any outside form of control to limit them. 1 . Landfills are free to go about as they please and act on their impulses. A. Len counterbalancing their behavior against our society, these individuals find a considerable amount of social permissiveness to commit whatever wrongdoing they wish to rationalize as legitimate. . With society mis leading the youth, they are at a disadvantage of understanding the true meaning liberty.Transition: To truly understand good, we must study the concept of virtue. The great philosopher, Aristotle says, â€Å"the true student of politics, too, is thought to have studied virtue above all things, for he wishes to make his fellow citizens good and obedient to the laws† (Aristotle: Ethics). II. As a result, all our choices and decisions should be made with this end result in mind. The way to go about this rule is through making virtue the sole intention in performing our actions. A.Our society has failed to educate our youth that if our decisions are based on self- interest or emotions such as attitudes such as envy, ill will, or hatred, we are indeed lacking liberty. B. This is because if we do not have the ability to practice self-control by choosing to do what's good, we are blinded to the degree that we ourselves are lacking in liberty. Transition: [Review the last point and p review the next. Be sure to use complete sentences. ] Ill. Modern parents work long hours and spend less time with their kids, giving them less room to teach them right from wrong, values, and etc,.A. The parents are more focused on making more and more money in the modern economy. B. The curriculum of education does not place a sufficient amount of importance on artistic activities. C. The system does not spend enough time teaching our children to acquire an ear for a taste in music and poetry. Conclusion: [About 5% of speaking time. ] l. Summary of Main Points: A. The culture of modern society promotes interests aside from going to work and coming back, to simply consume and consume to fill an internally felt psychological emptiness. B.The issue is multifaceted: how to socialize our children to love one another satisfactorily (which encompasses education); how to correctly assess whether an individual is worth pursuing (which is wisdom and sagacity); and lastly how to choose confi dants who will continue to appreciate and care for us even after we have proven to be of no source of personal benefit or entertainment. C. The teaching of love explains that we are not to love the gifts of this world (self- care, companionship, family) for the sake of itself.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Blood Brothers Theatre Review Essay Example for Free

Blood Brothers Theatre Review Essay We visited the Phoenix Theatre on the fourth of October and when we the play started I was drawn to the actual setting of the stage; firstly contrast in the set and how it represented the two side’s class divide. Mrs Johnstone’s huge family all cramped up in the small, crumbling, graffiti covered terraced council housing with the rest of the workers and Mrs Lyon’s large elegant suburban detached house with is wrought iron street lamp and large windows and also with the interior of the houses only the kitchen of Mrs Johnstone’s house is shown overflowing with cooking utensils and laundry and other domestic trivialities but not a chair in sight which means Mrs Johnstone is always either shown standing up or sitting on the step whereas Mrs Lyons living room is shown with its tasteful decorating, art deco lamps, corner pillars and a large sofa in the middle where she is often shown sitting on offering another contrast between her and Mrs Johnstone. Another feature of the setting I particularly enjoyed was the raked stage which allowed better levels for the actors the stage is heavily raked, meaning that a lot of the action is easy to see from all over the house. The set is simple and remains stationary, creating a focused performance space and emphasised certain scenes like when Mrs Lyons suggested Mrs Johnstone give her one of the twins she upstaged Mrs Johnstone who had to turn to respond and also allows for multiple scenes such as when Mrs Lyons revealed Eddie and Linda’s ‘affair’ she turned Micky to face upstage where Eddie and Linda are walking together, which emphasises the cross cutting of that scene and another feature of the raked stage is that it simply allowed a better view of the Performance for the audience. The Play began with a frozen image of the dead twins seen through a red gauze curtain and the narrator gives the lines he is to repeat at the end This use of Dramatic Irony means you sympathise more with the characters knowing the fate that awaits them and it is also a very dramatic way to begin the show immediately drawing you in making ask questions which of course are answered throughout the duration of the play. The dramatic irony also makes you play closer attention to the play as you are compelled to see how the situation could have been avoided and it is shown through foreshadowing that all that would happen was set in stone from when a seven year old micky pretended to shoot a seven year old Eddie to when a seventeen year old Sammy pulled a knife out on the bus. These glimpses into their future might have been missed if you weren’t completely Hooked on the play and so the use of framing and dramatic irony means you were absorbed in the play completely. The costume in the play is a strong representation of the social status of the characters and so everything about Eddie and Mickey’s clothes represents key parts of their life and how they have added to their character as their costumes are a large representative of the whole nature versus nurture theme of the play. Eddie as a seven year old wears very neatly pressed v neck sweater over an immaculately white shirt and short trousers whereas mickey was wearing a jumper so ragged and dirty its quite hard to determine what colour it is, it’s full of holes and stretches to well over his knees indicating it is most likely a hand me down. The contrast in the childhood upbringing of the two characters is apparent in their clothing, the closest Eddie has ever come to second hand clothes is when he meets mickey on the other hand mickey has probably grown up with his siblings old clothes and toys et cetera. The adolescent Mickey wears fashionable denim and leather. Which shows him at what was the peak of his life, the happiest his is to be in the play. The adolescent Eddie wears a very smart school uniform The adult Mickey again wears a baggy jumper. However this is when he is dominated by medicine. His clothing also illustrates the loss of that huge childhood energy he had at the beginning of the play. It is hard to determine what purpose the narrator serves. On stage he appears dressed in a smart black suit –reminiscent of funeral garb so sort of fore shadowing but the costume his gives him a neutral status, as we cannot identify anything about his character. It gives him a sense of anonymity throughout the show, and the fact that the other characters do not acknowledge him gives him a ghostlike quality except when he takes a picture of. His main role throughout the show is to act as a constant reminder to us of the Brothers’ tragic fate – exemplified in the musical number ‘Shoes upon the Table’, which is repeated Throughout both acts of the show. It is also notable that as the show commences with the scene of The finale, his attire is like that of somebody who is attending a funeral – and it seems that he is dressed for such an occasion throughout the entire play. The characters seem to look through him or just avoid him until Linda asks h im to take their photograph and it seems as soon as she does this their lives begin to go wrong, coincidence or were their lives touched by evil The use of sound is possibly the most powerful dramatic medium used in the play; the songs are extremely well written fit immaculately with the themes of the play and the lyrics and melody are re used throughout the play. Music was used to draw emotion from the audience. It also helped to move along the action and always conveyed a theme, message or feeling. Echo was also used in parts of songs. However it was recorded and therefore gave a very surreal and artificial effect. The music and lighting combined at the beginning of the play to create both a DRAMATIC EFFECT and a SAD ATMOSPHERE which worked very well to draw you in. The use of the orchestra collaborated well with the songs. The gunshot at the end of the play worked well as it shocked the audience despite them knowing the ending. There was a great contrast in lighting between the countryside and the city. In the countryside it was bright and the scenery consisted of typical green rolling hills and a crystal blue sky. However in the city the lighting was much darker and the scenery consisted buildings. When the front door of Mrs Johnstone house opened light flooded on to the stage. The purpose of this was to generate the idea of presence of Mrs Johnstone and her children living inside the house. The stage was lit up with a red light at the beginning of the end. This was used as an indicator of the bloodshed to follow. A red light also appeared when Mrs Lyons came on to the stage. This illustrated her madness and guilt stricken conscious. This was also done by the use of blackouts. A blue light appeared at the end when the narrator came on to the stage and sang. To illustrate the madness of Mrs Lyons in song flashing lights came on. This made the audience feel uneasy and uncomfortable with the character of Mrs Lyons. Blood Brothers Theatre Review. (2016, Dec 24).

Comparing And Contrasting Two Selected Learning Environment Venues Essay

Comparing And Contrasting Two Selected Learning Environment Venues - Essay Example Furthermore, by comparing the campus to a joint "information space" where we are gratis to roam and "interoperate" at will, we underline the role that proprietary limits have played in making online learning a outlying, cramped, and sensitively "flat" skill (A. Kay and A. Goldberg,2002, 31-41). The famous instructive developers regard this supple platform as the base for a next-generation online learning environment, one that is really further multi-dimensional than the management system paradigm. Any approach to online education that carry on restrict itself to the discharge of content alone ignores all the penetration and surface of campus life, the length of by the social and joint nature of learning. Of the three broad aspire of higher education- 3) Growth of an intentional, or independent, approach to life-long learning present online learning environments are moderately successful in organization only the first, most transactional of goals. In this respect, they have failed to give a "port of entry" into theoretical consideration for students who learn most excellent by doing and during straight interactions with their peers (C. Dede, 2004). The mainstream of these "virtual universities" futile as commercial ventures mainly since they accessible their register of online courses as a feasible alternative rather than a addition to conservative campus instruction. Considerably, these "virtual campuses" transfer to the online empire only those real-world campus practices that necessary the least technical complexity to duplicate e.g. course management and lecture-style, one-to-many lessons techniques. By contrast, the Education environmental factors are worried with raising a next-generation technical environment that encourages educational novelty rather than easy duplication of managerial practices and release of pre-packaged satisfied. Among other reason, such environment platform would proffer educational researchers with an open-source "collaboratory" in which to build, split, apply and assess transformative instruction practices, counting research in simulation-based learning, all inside a unrelenting and immersive so cial circumstance (C. Levi-Strauss. 2005). College Study Environment What is it concerning the college campus that makes it dissimilar from further spaces One meaning of a campus is the open space among and approximately the buildings, but as the experts suggest, the word has forever alluded to the type of human interactions that take place there. These connections, taken jointly, make up what is recognized as "campus life." Housing, protect, and preserve the finest that is recognized and deliberation in the world, the campus buildings and grounds provide a sense of pushiness and permanence to a student's knowledge over time (Covey, S. R. 1989). How much of a position does campus life play in effectual

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Housing & Habitability Swimming Pools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Housing & Habitability Swimming Pools - Essay Example In a case where the lead-based paint has been chipping away for some time, there is already a risk of long-term exposure. However, both long-term and short-term exposure carries considerable health risks. Exposure to lead affects the brain, the central nervous system, and the blood cells. Exposure to high levels of lead can lead to convulsions, coma, and even death. Children and fetuses exposed to lead-based paint can experience delays in physical and mental development, lower IQ levels, shortened attention spans, and increased behavioral problems. In addition, children are more vulnerable as lead is easily absorbed into their bodies, and their developing tissues are more sensitive (EPA). In this situation, the children exposed to lead-based paint in this dwelling should have a blood test to determine their level of lead exposure, and the dwelling should be cleared of lead-based paint by professionals (EPA). The presence of cockroaches in this situation create an additional hazard to the occupants of the dwelling. The antigens released by cockroaches increase the risk to those who suffer from asthma. In addition, cockroaches are carriers of disease-causing germs (AFHH).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Impact of Health Inequalities on Health Education and Health Essay

The Impact of Health Inequalities on Health Education and Health Promotion - Essay Example dren in developing countries (Guerrant, Kirchhoff, Shields, Nations, Leslie, de Sousa, Araujo, Correia, Sauer, McClelland, Trowbridge and Hughes, 1983). Due to these disparities in the economies of developed and underdeveloped nations, there are a lot of discrepancies in the health standards of the people of these countries as well. Health inequalities refer to gaps in the quality of health and health care across sexual orientation, racial, socioeconomic and ethnic groups. A marked difference can be seen between the health conditions of developed and underdeveloped countries. The better the economy of a country, the better is the state of health. Health disparities exist between differing socioeconomic groups. The lower socioeconomic group have poorer health and higher rates of chronic illness, obesity, hypertension and diabetes. Differences also lie in access to health care between the two classes. Usually people in deprived areas receive less care than needed. Whereas the affluent areas have easy access to almost all kinds of medication and health care. Within a country, we can also see difference in the health standards between different racial groups. For example; in America, Latinos, Asian Americans, Native Americans and African Americans have higher mortality, higher rate of chronic disease and poorer overall health conditions. There is a need to change life styles of people to help them live a better and healthy life. This could be achieved through health promotions and educating them about health issues. Health promotion enables people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental intervention (WHO, 2011). Health promotion aims at influencing, informing,... This paper approves that health care costs are continuously arising, resulting the government, employers and consumers to struggle to keep up with the increased costs. Major policy of the health care units is to cut off the costs. Rising federal deficit with an overall slowdown in the economic growth is also putting strain on the systems used to finance the health care. Things are made more complicated by the health disparities within the nation. The health care units have to divide their funds for improving the conditions in the rural areas and conducting health awareness programmes for them, and for research purposes. This essay shows that government plays an important role in providing awareness regarding how to stay healthy and solving health related issues. Government have the power of financing, organizing, overseeing, and delivering health care. Government is also responsible for getting care to people who wouldn't otherwise have it; the underprivileged, the disabled, and the aged, many of whom could not afford it on their own. The government's role in health and health care does not end here but it goes into the realm of encouraging new discoveries related to health affairs There are some Government Organizations like U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps which are working to promote, protect, and advance the health and safety of the United States. Members of PHS often serve on the frontlines in fighting diseases and poor health conditions. They are trained and equipped to respond to emergencies such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks and public health crisis.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Defence Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Defence Diplomacy - Essay Example Prior to doing so, however, it is necessary to commence with a definition of the terms, such as would frame our understanding of it componential elements and implications: "To provide forces to meet the varied activities undertaken by the MOD to dispel hostility, build and maintain trust and assist in the development of democratically accountable armed forces, thereby making a significant contribution to conflict prevention and resolution."1 In accordance with the above cited definition, the importance of Defence Diplomacy within the context of international and inter-state relations may be affirmed. Quite simply stated, the exigencies of defence diplomacy emanate from the fact that it serves both to solidify inter-state defence relations and, in optimal situations, for the negation of nascent military/security threats. As Aldrich (1994) contends the very nature of the twentieth century as the bloodiest and most violent the world had ever witnessed, led to the evolution of defence diplomacy. World War I, followed just two decades later by World War II, left millions dead, cities and countries destroyed, economies shattered and civilisations in ruin. The horrors of these two wars, not to mention their cost, underscored the importance of diplomacy as a preventative strategy and defence diplomacy as a national security imperative. In other words, defence diplomacy is the by-product of incalculably violent and insupportable, protracted warfare. Within the context of the aforementioned, diplomatic missions proliferated and assumed reciprocal, voluntary form. These mission came to embrace a military, more specifically, a defence purpose and as such, the spread of diplomatic missions implied the parallel proliferation of defence attaches offices. These offices, representing a country's military, its Armed Forces abroad, soon evolved into an integral component, not just of military defence but, of Military Intelligent Services. As such, they did not simply function as the purveyors of defence and military-related information but acted in such a way so as to maintain national security interests and to fortify the represented state's international military alliances. The importance of Defence Diplomacy and, by association, the institution of the Defence Attach, continued to expand from inception onwards. On the international level, the Cold War most certainly established and promoted the importance of the said institution. The value of the said institution directly derived from the importance of national defence and national security interests and, accordingly, within the context of an ever connected and interrelated world, has increased. Within the geographic parameters of the Arab Middle East, Defence Diplomacy assumed unique importance. As recent events, if not those of the past five decades, have illustrated, the region is subject to numerous threats, many of which have the potential to function as regime destabilisers. The implication here is that, just as did other countries and regions, Arab nations recognised the exigencies of Defence Diplomacy and accordingly, ensured the evolution of the institution of the Defence Attach within the context of the Military Intelligence Directorate. In so doing, Arab nations effectively expanded the range of the mechanisms and instruments they deployed for

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Buyer Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Buyer Behavior - Essay Example Globalization has contributed to the complete transformation of the fashion industry coaxing the fashion magazines to cater to a wider consumer base, and include articles, editorials and fashion insights which are globally competent and relevant. Vogue and Elle, are two of the oldest and most esteemed brands in the world of fashion which have the power to influence societal ideologies through their articles and depiction of women’s fashion. The magazines’ primary goal of catering to the huge female customer base, and their association with known international brands, by way of advertisements and sponsors, have contributed to the creation of a unique brand image. Clothes represent identity and the fashion magazines such as Vogue and Elle bank on their grasp on the industry, to promote their respective products by indulging in aspirational marketing tactics, and endorsing the concept of self-esteem and image of their female consumers (Tungate, 2008; Easey, 2009). Fashion, in contemporary times has assumed greater significance, and has become an inevitable part of our cultural identities. Clothes today are not mere pieces of garment but symbols of one’s self-image, personality, status and values as well (Craik, 2009). Recently there has been a slight shift in the target market segment for fashion magazines, which initially catered to a young female consumer. Due to changing cultural ideologies, the concept of fashion which was invariably associated with youth and beauty, has now begun to accommodate a wider age group, as is apparent from the marketing strategy of Vogue. Beauty and fashion are no longer restricted to age younger age groups. High end magazines such as Vogue for instance, are breaking this cultural conundrum by catering to women... The study of consumer behaviour that is presented in this essay helps the management in establishing a marketing strategies and in marketing their products to the specific target markets identified in the process. As observed in the case of Vogue and Elle magazines, that are used as examples in this essay, the fashion magazines mostly cater to high end fashion conscious female consumers, hence the target market for both the magazines, more or less, comprise of consumers with similar characteristics. The buying behaviour of the consumers is influenced by their perception of self, which is used as a fundamental frame of reference while buying any brand or a product. The final decision to buy a product is influenced by matching this self image with the qualities endorsed by the brand. The premier fashion magazines, have also included innovative marketing tactics, that were described in the essay, such as including intelligently scripted editorial sections, and simultaneously retaining t heir lavish fashion spreads by way of adverts featuring high end lifestyle brands such as perfumes. Almost all the fashion magazines bank on the revenues from advertising as their primary source of cash inflows, their brand positioning and market segmentation strategies, are of key significance to both the fashion stalwarts. In conclusion, the researcher states that Vogue and Elle, have so far successfully stayed afloat in the industry which is growing at a rapid rate, thus indicating their successful marketing strategies.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Interpersonal Conflict and Effective Communication Essay

Interpersonal Conflict and Effective Communication - Essay Example Based on the movie presented, there were two identified sources of conflict. One of these conflicts is the people-focused conflicts and the other one is the informational deficiencies. People-focused conflicts were based on emotions and feelings and present an argument by means of personal attack (Hammond, 2011, n.p.). People-focused conflict was demonstrated on the film when Sarah attacked the personal integrity of Hitch as a date doctor, seeing Hitch’s job as a scam. People-focused conflict does not only center on the main characters since it is a movie dealing with emotions. In fact, people-focused conflicts were also observed on Albert’s confrontation with Hitch telling him that love was not Hitch’s life but his job; on Sarah’s best friend attacking the integrity of the unknown date doctor; on a newspaper vendor judging Albert as Allegra’s boyfriend; and on people in the story who judged Hitch’s personality. Actually, the movie projected a predominantly people-focused conflict against the main actor, making him the person to blame for all of the related conflicts.  On the other hand, informational deficiencies such as misinterpretation from different conclusions were observed. This was demonstrated on judging Hitch unfairly as a date doctor. His viewpoints about his work have been different from the understanding of society and interpersonal conflict arises because of misunderstanding.Effective Handling of ConflictÂ